WatchDISK Disk Space Tracker

WatchDISK Disk Space Tracker icon

Publisher description

WatchDISK provides what you need most to manage your network storage: Information. Many tools can display current directory sizes, but only WatchDISK can show how those sizes have evolved over time. This is critical information if you need to: * Project future storage needs based on current trends and growth patterns * Find out why free disk space has suddenly dropped * Justify additional storage capacity investments to management What is WatchDISK? WatchDISK scans directory trees and stores the sizes of each directory. These stored sizes provide a historical snapshot of your server's disk usage on a directory by directory basis. Comparing current sizes to previous sizes allows you to very quickly see which directories have grown and project future disk capacity needs. WatchDISK's intelligent sorting, simple drill-down user interface, and reports make it very quick to find the information you need. Naturally low disk space alerts haven't been forgotten. But WatchDISK goes one step further: Besides just alerting on low disk space, it can alert you on significant changes in disk space usage as well. Why Use WatchDISK? There are many disk space monitoring tools that will notify you when your disk space gets low. Only WatchDISK can show you why your disk space is low. Our unique technology lets you not only see the current sizes of directories, but also the sizes of those directories in the past. With this information, WatchDISK makes it very simple to see which directories have grown (drilling down to find a diskhog is literally just a few clicks). WatchDISK's reports also make projecting future disk space needs easier. Administrators at Fortune 500 companies, government agencies and universities around the world have trusted WatchDISK for over 11 years.

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